The Coco Nation News stories for Episode 293, December 17, 2022 ================================================ (December 10-December 16) Collected by L. Curtis Boyle Coco 1/2/3 (and multi-platform) ------------------------------- Adrian of Adrian's Digital Basement does a follow up episode to the Coco that was repackaged in a Model 3 case - working on the Coco motherboard this time: He also put up a video on his second channel (Adrian's Digital Basement ][) which is a mail call episode, but features a Coco 3 he received as well and an "8 bit dance party" with some multi-voice music that someone created for Adrian: An interesting article from the Science Alert website, that "proves" that the nuclear green screen default on the Coco's is actually a proven pain killer: Steve Puls put up a YouTube video showing his Coco Christmas program that he originally had published in the Fall 1992 issue of the T&D magnazine (he did tweak it a bit). It includes multi-voice music and Coco 3 graphics, and runs for 10 minutes: Joel Ewy (pronounced Eevee) posted a video of his MM/1 in action, getting it to play a 256 color animation sequence from Lord of Rings: Allen Huffman continues his blogs on creating the Christmas star in as little RAM as possible, using BASIC, with part 3: And part 4, where the is asked for some help: Don't forget to vote on the new main logo for the show intro on The Coco Nation page on Facebook: In the Christmas spirit, David Ladd posted a video of the Spectral Associates created Coco 3 Christmas demo, that was played in Radio Shack stores, and was written not long after their other Coco 3 demo that was put in the stores at the launch of the Coco 3 in the fall of 1986: Frank at has set up a Mastodon server for the retro community at: You can also find them at @retrorewind at MC-10 ----- Jim Gerrie tackled the same Christmas Star in smallest BASIC code challenge as Allen Huffman has been blogging about, and posted a video of is 4 line MC-19 BASIC version: Ken of Canadian Retro Things has been doing a series of short videos all December, called the "Ultimate Retro Advent Calendar", covering a different piece of retro every day. If you are into general retro, including consoles, home computers, electronic games, etc. you should check out the whole series. On the Dec. 14 episode he covers the MC-10: Robert Sieg posted a cassette C10 image for an inverse video utility to the MC-10 group on Facebook: Simon Jonassen is doing some timing hacking on the MC-10 to get the equivalent of SG-12 (64x96 with all the colors), with a screenshot on the Facebook MC-10 group. (In the comments he even shows an SG-24... but for that to work properly, you have to have >4K RAM on the motherboard which requires some hardware hackery to work - which is why his image shows the image restarting 2/3 the way down - that's when the 4K Video RAM max (on a stock MC-10) wraps back to the beginning for displaying): Dragon 32/64 ------------ "bluearcus" (Mike) on the World of Dragon forums has posted a Dragon specific set of CocoSDC utilities for OS9/NitrOS9 on the Dragon 64. It's based on code written by Barry Nelson & Tim Lindner, but with some re-organization and a new schd command. The zip includes source & an instruction sheet. Available in the forums: Game On news (all Coco related platforms): ========================================== Chronologically Gaming continued with further episodes of computer, console and arcade games from 1980, this time including a couple of the cartridges that Radio Shack initially released with the Coco 1 - Checkers (Checker King on the screen) (9:27) and Chess (20:00): He also did a more recent one that briefly showed Math Bingo, but since he won't be covering educational games on his channel, it wasn't really discussed. Fabrizio Caruso has released his latest mega-multi platform game, called "Verbix"... for over 200 machines (including the Coco, Dragon, & MC-10/Alice). They are free to download, and he has both high res graphics versions and low res versions, depending on the machine you run it on. It's a word game (see his description) and has play demo videos: Mr. Dave 6309 has been busy with more palette hacks, etc. for older Coco games. In addition to changing the colors of this weeks Game On Challenge game, Robin Hood, he also did it to Racer Ball, which is what Ghost Gobbler by Spectral Associates became when it was sold in the UK for the Dragon (with some updated graphics - I think to avoid copyright issues) He shows the original version (with CMP/RGB colors set up the wrong way) but then shows the RGB palette mod that makes it look a lot better: Paul Shoemaker has now set up an page where people can "pick their own price" (including free) for his various games - including the just released Camel, 3 editions of Ghost Rush, 2 editions of Poker Squares, and Dungeon Crawl 2.0. Jim Gerrie ported "Treasure of the Enrakien Empire" from the Coco to the MC-10 (originally published in the August 1983 Rainbow magazine, by Ken Ostrer & Mike Smith), and includes a bugfix to the original load routine (that would have been a problem on the Coco version as well). Unlike most videos for ported adventure games that Jim has done, this is a complete walkthrough... so spoiler alert! Tim & AJ @ My Drunk Sibling have Coco Ghost Rush: Winter Edition as their game this week. Hear them singing to figure out which song snippet is in the game: Gentleman's Pixel Club did a video playing Jet Set Willy for the Dragon 32 on their MiSTer FPGA system (note - language warning. And if you have every played Jet Set Willy.... you will know why). He is familiar with the Spectrum, so he goes through finding some of the timing differences and new screens unique to the Dragon version: